Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas :)

I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas, and enjoyed watching the Packers dominate tonight! Here are a few pictures from my break so far:

Rockefeller Center, surprise trip to NYC

Metropolitan Museum of Art (Main Entrance)

Duke, preventing me from folding my laundry

Sophie and Duke

Present from Mom and Dad- Pandora bracelet and crab charm from Maine

Duke's new bone (we had to take it away from him to get him to eat breakfast!)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I'm wearing a zoo!

This summer, my family spent a week at a lovely beach in Maine for our summer vacation (that's right- no camping this year). It was a week or so before my birthday, so while we were there I bought myself a birthday gift: a (knockoff) Pandora bracelet, and a lobster charm (I was in Maine). I named him Rex.

For our anniversary in October, Jonathan gave me an owl charm. He loves owls, especially the metal one in the original Clash of the Titans, Bubo. Apparently he liked having an easy gift choice, because for Christmas, he gave me a rotund giraffe (Pudge).

And now I'm wearing a zoo.

He also surprised me by asking if I'd go spend a few days with him and his family in New York once the semester ends. On Friday. Pictures will follow :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ok, here's the deal...

Posting pictures every day is hard sometimes. But when I don't do that, I don't do anything. And I have a smartphone now! I can (sort of) post right from my phone. So we're going to give this another run, because I kind of miss it. Look for regular updates starting soon. Until then, enjoy this more recent picture of Duke hanging out with his bff Jonathan.

Look at how big he's gotten!

Monday, July 25, 2011


This past weekend, we brought our new puppy home! Say hello to Duke the Doberman! Or, as I've nicknamed him, Princess Kitty Cat McSleepypants.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

It all ends July 15th

Two weeks from today, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II comes out! And by this time in two weeks, I'll already have seen it. Can't wait!
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It's officially summer!

What makes it summer? First trip to the zoo with my sisters of course!

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New glasses

A few weeks ago, I lost my glasses. On Friday, I finally got to order a new pair, but they told me it would be 10-14 days until they were ready. Of course I assumed this was a high "just in case" estimate, but it still seemed like a really long time to me. Then last night I had a dream that my glasses were ready(!!!), and was really upset when I woke up without them this morning.

Me, with my new glasses. Also, hat hair and crazy psychic eyes.

This afternoon I got the call that my glasses were ready. Now I think I'm probably psychic.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Hey everyone! As much as it sucks, I've recently decided to make updates on here on an "as things happen" sort of basis. I've been busy so far this semester and it doesn't look like it's going to let up any time soon, so I think that for right now, updating more than every once in awhile is an unrealistic goal. Here are some final pictures of the WURHA 2011 conference:

Our awesome UWO display. The theme for the conference was "Back to Basics" and our school's theme was recess, so what better than a lego schoolyard?

Our role call ended in the hokey pokey- again, basics.

Friday night's entertainment was casino night- apparently Jacey is awesome at blackjack.

Ride the Pony/ Little Sally Walker. It was like being a cheerleader all over again!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted anything new in uh... 10 days. Wow. I've been really busy getting ready for a conference this weekend, but hopefully I'll be able to get the last week's worth of stuff up sometime tonight/tomorrow morning before I leave. I haven't forgotten about the blog!

Monday, February 7, 2011

How 'bout those Packers?

Need I even mention that as a Wisconsin native, I was RIDICULOUSLY excited for the Super Bowl yesterday, and even MORE RIDICULOUSLY EXCITED that WE WON(!!!!!!!)? Yeah, I really do need to mention it. Because I am a Wisconsin native, and we DID win the Super Bowl.

Yeah. They went there. Anyway, no pictures from the game, because I wasn't there and I was too busy yelling at the TV to remember I had a camera.

My sister Sophie turned 20! Which is not why we won the Super Bowl, despite her wishing for it (we won cause we're just that awesome!).

WURHA, one of the conferences that USRH goes to, is quickly approaching, and in order to lower the delegate cost, we're having a grilled cheese sale. Apparently they have a history of being quite successful. Of course, to have a grilled cheese sale, we needed to stock up on some key ingredients.

The people in line behind us weren't thrilled, to say the least. It probably didn't help that we were doing our shopping the day before the Super Bowl, when absolutely everyone was stocking up on snacks.

I should know by now that printing things in the USRH office is probably a bad idea. We have to buy our own paper, and of course we tend to use white for important/official things, or we run out. Which means that we usually have some kind of odd color in the printer.

And then you show up to class (with a SWEET Batman folder) and your notes look like that. Fun!

Things have been pretty chilly in the Midwest (everywhere?) lately, as you may have heard. So after having classes cancelled on Wednesday, you would think we'd have a ton of snow, right?

Well, we did, but that was there before. Apparently most of the blizzard hit further South than Oshkosh. I've been staring out at this for what seems like forever now.

Regardless of the lack of promised snow, I don't think there was a single college student who wasn't excited to wake up to this email:

blah blah blah, State of Emergency, Chancellor Wells has decided to cancel all classes?!! Awesome!

Remember the Tome from last semester? I was so excited to get rid of it, right up until I saw the textbook for my Milton class.

According to my professor, the publishers refer to this as "the Brick." Oh, the joys of being an English major. Really though- my friend Kristin tells me that this would be considered small for an accounting textbook.

First day of Spring Semester 2011! And nothing will make you wish you had picked another major more than seeing this:

That's right. I have so many books this semester that they came in a cardboard tub. All 18 of them. The fact that they fit (quite nicely, even) on my bookshelf is a marvel.

Time to get back to school, after finishing 6 weeks of winter break. I think I would have gone crazy if I hadn't taken that interim class. Going back to school isn't entirely bad, though- we stopped at my relative's house and got in some W time!

Dad was teaching him how to show off his muscles. Looks like the gun show is in town!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

There are no Friday/Saturday pics

Because I am not doing well on the blog lately. I kind of started to run out of things to take pictures of at home since we weren't really doing anything. Hopefully being back on campus now and being more involved with stuff will help out. (Just wait to see how many books I had to get this semester! It's insane.) I realize my last few posts haven't been that great. I'm quite sorry about all of that :/

Friday, January 28, 2011

Last week of break

Packer Party! The award for best play obviously goes to Raji.

And the best picture:

Photobombers. They're everywhere! Even in my house!

Jon got a new iPod touch for Christmas. It's pretty sweet. One of the ones with the cameras for FaceTime.

Once again, we fail at taking pictures together.

Tuesday was pretty much full of MTG and Backgammon.

Also stacking things. We're cool like that.

Also a boring day. Until I saw this!

Seriously. Go check out Historic LOL. It's great.

I know I said no more tea pictures, but Jon insisted on this one. He tried this blooming peach tea and just had to get some for himself.

And it really was pretty good :)

We're about to watch the new episode of Spartacus: Gods of the Arena! And I haven't even taken a picture yet today!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brett Who?

In case you live under a rock, the Packers are playing da Bears this afternoon. Obviously, I and my family will be supporting the Packers, as they're clearly the superior team. Now, for some pre-game entertainment:

Not going to lie, I didn't actually watch the entire clip. I'll upload pictures from my family's Packer Game Party later.

Side note: No, I'm not wearing a jersey. Why? Because I want a Ray Nitschke jersey, and we couldn't find one. Why?

That's why.

Ok, so

I was really busy last week, and it was absolutely freezing. Like -27 on Friday while I was walking to class. And while I did take pictures, they're mostly boring and/or crappy because I was busy and annoyed at the weather. So we're kind of just going to pretend last week didn't happen.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Help me out?

My nook and I need your help.

Having recently finished reading Eat, Pray, Love, I don't know where to go next. I've had a few books recommended to me by friends, but I don't know where to start. What do you all think? Here are the recommendations, in no particular order:

Cleopatra, by Stacy Schiff

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson

Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen

and Enchantment, by Donald Spoto

Read any of them? Heard anything good? Have your own recommendation for me? Let me know!
One of my least favorite things about living in the dorms is having to wash my dishes in the bathroom. Kind of weird for me. I'll be standing at the big sink, doing my dishes, and someone will be showering like 6 feet away. It's just weird.

Plus, then I have to make space on my dresser for stuff to dry on, since I can't dry them out on my own. Somehow though, I feel like bringing dishes home is a little different than bringing laundry home. Probably dishes need to be done in the dorms.

It seems like everyone on my floor is getting sick all of a sudden. Mostly colds. I've got a sore throat and a weird combination of stuffy and runny nose. Not quite sure how that works.

It has, however, led to my recent obsession with these Ricola cough drops. They're amazing!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Already breaking the rules

Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken me so long to update- I've been really busy lately with my creative writing class (I have to write a sonnet tonight! gulp!) and USRH. Here's what's happened in the last week:

I tried out the last of the teas I bought at Teavana over break (3 total), a raspberry one.

And I know you're probably sick of tea by now, so this will be the last of the tea pictures. I just thought it was a really lovely color. Also delicious, by the way.

We had to put our puppy, Trooper, down Friday morning after he started having seizures Thursday evening. I didn't take this picture Friday (I didn't get home until Friday afternoon), but I thought it would be ok anyway.

As much as he drove me crazy, I really do miss him. Not having a dog in the house will take some getting used to.

And here's where the rule-breaking comes in. I completely forgot to take weekend pictures. oops!

Part of my Christmas gift from Jon was one of his old Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. At first I didn't get why he was giving me some random card, and then I actually looked at it.

Apparently koalas are becoming a theme now. lol

I found out on Tuesday that my creative writing class would have a sonnet due on Friday (tomorrow! yikes!). Specifically, the Shakespearean kind. So of course I turned to my handy Arden Shakespeare collection for inspiration.

Sadly, iambic pentameter is a hard concept for me to grasp. No matter how long I "ba bum ba bum ba bum" I just can't hear that (or any other) rhythm in the words. This sonnet might be the death of me.

Jon and I went grocery shopping at Target! Riding the bus is still creepy! I wish I could have taken pictures of the other passengers for you, but I was afraid that they might shank me if I did. So here's my most exciting purchase, instead.

Freeze dried strawberries! Oh yeah! Sadly, they were out of apple and peach slices :( I would have really liked to try those, too.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Back in action!

Thanks to my wonderful mom, my purse arrived back on campus yesterday afternoon, and everything in it is still in good working shape. Class schedules for interim are a little diffferent- 3 hours of one class each day, every day of the week, for 3 weeks. So I have 3 hours of class in the morning, and then all afternoon and evening to take pictures and be productive!

Ok, I wasn't overly productive yesterday. I went to class and did my homework and watched Bones, and that was pretty much it. It was still a pretty nice day, though. I did my homework in my friend Jacey's room, so we discussed Beowulf (her assigned reading) and random-word poems (my assignment). I also got to cuddle with her squishy dinosaur friend.

I don't think there are many people who could pass up cuddling this guy. It's so fuzzy I could DIE!

If yesterday wasn't productive, today more than made up for it. I spent almost 2 hours meeting with my USRH advisor, Becca. The scholarships we're supposed to revise and advertise and award each year are almost ready to go now- at this point, we jsut need to sit back and wait for a few other people to come through. Plus, I got all of my homework done and road tripped over to Target with Jacey to pick up some necessary school supplies (running out of staples sucks). And then I ran across this:

The Zoya facebook page can be found here, although I don't think you actually have to be a fan to use this code. If you're a nail polish person, though, I highly suggest taking advantage of this offer. This is the only brand of vegan nail polish I've found so far that has even close to decent reviews, and standard shipping is less than the price of one of their nail polishes. And if you do, be sure to leave a comment telling me what colors your ordered!

Monday, January 3, 2011

About those New Year's resolutions...

I may or may not have left my purse in the car when my parents brought me back to campus yesterday. Said purse may or may not contain my iPod and camera. And when I say "may or may not", I really mean "yes, this did happen, I am that distracted sometimes." My mom is wonderful and is overnighting everything to me, so I should have everything back tomorrow. But until then, I won't have anything to post here, seeing as my camera is elsewhere. Sorry!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Can YOU smell the roses?

In lieu of a regular post today, I suggest checking out these links before the Rosebowl.

Teach me How to Bucky

Jump Around

(photo found here)

New Year's Eve

The day started out terribly foggy, which made me worry about my friends who had plans to go out last night. I, however, was at my Grandpa's annual NYE party with my family.

Wouldn't you, if you knew this was going to be operating for a large chunk of the evening? It was quite a hit with everyone present.

Especially with the twins! I wish I had kept my camera on for another few minutes after this- Mikey had QUITE the impressive chocolate goatee.

Happy New Year everybody!