Ok, so I'm really behind. Sorry. Moving out of the dorms and back home and keeping Jon entertained while he stays here for a few days has been keeping me kinda busy. But now we've started a
Unit-athon, which is giving me some time to sit down and update.
ThursdayAlmost the last day of school. Just one presentation left, and then we get to stuff all of mine and Jon's things into the car. Which will not be pleasant. Anyway, at dinner, my friend Netty found the world's largest banana. He was very excited.

And then he peeled it, and it broke because it was too heavy or something. He was much less excited.
FridayLast day of interim AND class got out almost an hour early. Thank god. I don't think I could have stood another 20 minutes even. I was pulling my hair out. So while I waited to meet my friends for lunch, I finished up my packing and piled everything on the extra bed.

Yeah. Like I said, we would have to stuff the car. Sadly, I didn't get a picture of
that mess.
SaturdayUnfortunately, there was no sleeping in on the first day of summer break. Instead, everyone was up early so we could go to Chicago. Sunday was the Lincoln Park Zoo run, so we were staying at some relative's the night before. It was extra fun because of the reason for leaving so early:

My little cousins had a t-ball game. It was really cute. There was even a cheering section!

SundaySunday we were up early again for the run. Mom and I ran the 5K, Dad ran the 10K, Uncle Joe watched, and everyone else slept. Well, the twins were probably bouncing all over the house with Aunt Pat. Once we got back, we went adventuring to a nice outdoor/ open air mall type thing, where Jon found some koi.

They were pretty cool. Kind of creepy though because they were so big and fish are weird. Also pretty with all of the bright colors.
MondaySophie had a Happy Meal for lunch. She spent the rest of the day creeping on everyone with her new friend.

He has quite the unique laugh...
WednesdayNo Tuesday post, since most of Tuesday was spent doing this:

He's trying to sell his Magic cards, so we've been sorting through them and organizing stuff. It's been ridiculous, but I think we're basically done now. Which is pretty much awesome, since I don't think I can keep staring at cards all day.
Now that I'm kind of back on track and a little more organized, I'll work on updating more regularly again :)