Ok, I admit I took this picture last minute and when Sunday was almost over and I hadn't yet taken a picture. Anyway...

Meet Tattoo, the blank white sock monkey. Like most of the animals in my room, my sister Brenna made him for me. Eventually I'll get around to decorating him, at which point the name will fit better. Until then, consider this a "before" picture.
Let me tell you about Mondays. They're not fun. I have class from 9:10-10:10, 10:20-11:20, and 12:40-1:40. And really, none of that would be too bad, IF I didn't also have Foundations of Literary Criticism from 3:00-6:00. It's only slightly more interesting than it sounds. Check this out:

This is ONE of the three texts I have for this class. We semi-affectionately refer to it as "The Tome." In case you're wondering, it's open to page 702. And it's what, MAYBE a third of the way through the book? Yeah, this class rocks.
I only have one word: ew.

Not the most flattering picture, is it? But Jon thought it would be funny to make me wear his hat around. He REALLY laughed when he put it on backwards. Apparently I'm not much of a hat person.
Today I took a walk downtown with Jon, ad it was lovely. Perfect weather for a nice walk, and the leaves are starting to change colors, so it was quite pretty.

I really do love the fall. It's probably my favorite season. I love the food and the clothes and everything :)
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