Fall semester started! Which means that there were people all over campus giving out coupon books. As always, most of the coupons sucked. BUT! Near the very end was one that particularly made myself and my friends very happy: a House of Heroes coupon! (local comic book, gaming, and geek shop) So of course Jon and I made a trip over to get a couple Magic boosters.

I was lucky enough to pull this Baneslayer Angel. Although, since my white deck is strictly Kor, it doesn't do me much good. My friend Andy, on the other hand, has a very nice angel deck and would love this card, which means epic trade negotiations will be taking place.
No class for Sarah! Usually I'd have a lab in the morning, but since the first week back isn't a full week, there are no labs. Obviously this lead to me sleeping in. And the return of regular OGS (Oshkosh Gaming Society) meetings, which in turn led to the epic trade negotiations I mentioned. So epic, in fact, that I ended up getting two really sweet cards that will work really well in two of my decks (Kor and Vampires).

The first being this lovely Sword of Vengeance, which will fit perfectly into my Kor deck, since they work with equipment. I promptly used it to own everything in my way. It was pretty nice- I haven't used this deck in awhile, and I forgot just how much fun it is and how massively huge my cards get.

This guy, though, is another problem all together. Captivating Vampire is, in my option, one of the coolest vampire cards, because not only does he buff my other vampires, he also allows me to steal other people's creatures. Which is totally awesome since usually that requires blue cards and I really dislike blue. It's also cool because at least two of the guys I play with have vampire decks, so hopefully this will help give me a little bit of an edge.
You should change the name of your blog to "Scary Geek Chick".
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