TONS of free swag. Like the USRH (United Students in Residence Halls) shirt I got yesterday:

I quite like it. But then again, how many college kids don't like free shirts? They might even be more popular than free food.
Part two, or why my dad is awesome:
The high for today is 62 degrees, which is really not what I was expecting this early in September, so I don't have a ton of warmer clothes at school right now. Then, after I showered this morning, I realized I had forgotten my hair dryer at home. So not only was it cold, but I would have to walk around with cold wet hair :( Of course I texted mom to let her know I forgot it, hoping that she'd send it up for me. A few minutes later she called me back and told me that my dad would drive it up to me this afternoon!

Along with the sweet new boots I had ordered but were on back order! They're completely awesome, right down to their new leather smell. lol. AND they're wicked comfortable. That's right, folks: these boots were made for walkin'.
Note: since classes will be starting up again soon, after today I'm going to resume the same schedule I had last year. I'll still be taking a picture each day, but it won't be posted until the next day. I'm going to try and post the previous day's picture in the morning before I go to class, so I don't fall behind. Also, weekends and probably fridays will all be posted together on monday.
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