My Aunt Debbie and her two boys stayed at our house a couple of nights during break. Of course, the boys are too old now to be excited when Sophie or I come home. I was greeted by this:

Hey, at least they could look away from the computer screens for a minute, right?
I was going to get a picture at lunch, since Aunt Debbie, my cousins and I met Grandma Joyce, but I was smart and forgot my camera at home.

This is not my grandma. Or any of my relatives. Or even lunch. This is Trooper, making weird dog eyes at me.
Pie! Glorious apple pie! Aunt Debbie made both an apple and a blueberry pie for Thanksgiving. I helped make the apple pie.

And by helped, I mean I ate pie crust dough, pie crust cookies, and cinnamon apples before they got stuck in the pie. Here's the apple pie, right before it got popped in the oven.
Thanksgiving lunch was at my Aunt Anne and Uncle Chris' house, and was absolutely delicious. Of course, I took a TON of pictures, but since I don't want this to be a longer post than it already will be...

The grown-up (and W) table, where I was not seated. Oh well. I got to sit by W later, when we had pie :)

And then my camera battery died. Lovely. Skipping ahead to Saturday...
I am not a Black Friday shopper. I think people are crazy. (You don't? Check out this crazy Menards lady and tell me otherwise. Just a heads up, there are quite a few profanities.) I do, however, enjoy a good sale. Like when the shiny 8GB SD card I want for my camera is on sale for $15, AND I happen to have a $15 Best Buy Rewards card.

$1.77 for a card that usually costs $39.99? Heck yeah! 4x the storage space as the card I have now? Even better!
Sunday? Not as exciting as Saturday. I opened the fridge to put my just opened and snacked on salsa in, and guess what I found?

Food! My roommate's leftovers from before break! Do you have any idea how nasty those buffalo wings probably are by now? Ew!
Ok, I promise this is the last picture of Philip's new leaf thing. But look at how much bigger it got while I was gone!

Personally, I'm still in shock that it's still alive, let alone growing.