Friday night, my friends Ben and Andy were having a Halloween party at their apartment. Thursday, then, was Halloween prep. I made sure I had all of the pieces for my costume (my goal, which I met, was to assemble a Halloween costume fitting our mini-theme and to spend less than $20), and painted my nails.

Can you guess the theme?
Party! Although you would never have know if you saw what Ben spent most of the night doing.

Yes. He spent the night knitting. He says it's to surprise his sister with for the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows later this month. I thought it was pretty cool, although not part of the previously-agreed upon theme.

Kristen and Molly dressed out of theme as well, but Kristen HAD to be crayon when she saw the costume. And I really have to applaud them for ignoring the sexy crayon outfit. Sexy crayon? Really?

Nananananananananana BATMAN! Originally we had more villains in the group- we were also supposed to have a Riddler, Bane, Scarecrow, and Penguin as well. Sadly, Bane had to work and the rest were busy.
Let me just say, there is nothing is more fun than getting things in the mail. Especially at school. So I was really excited when I checked my email on Saturday and saw that I had a package, and to please come to the front desk with my ID to check it out. I wasn't expecting anything, and I didn't know what it was when I picked it up. It felt like a book maybe.

I was not expecting this. Especially because I'm not overly outdoorsy. And because I'm a college student and therefore can't afford an almost $10,000 trip to China to play with pandas. I did flip through it, though, and it actually sounds pretty cool. I guess this company, Natural Habitat Adventures, does safari-like expeditions in more remote (less touristy) areas. They're really eco-friendly and are partnered with the World Wildlife Foundation. So I guess if I happen to win the lottery, I would probably want to do something like this. The trips look pretty amazing, and even the tents sound pretty nice (one of the Africa trips boasts "spacious walk-in tents with full beds with linens, en suite bathrooms, hanging wardrobes, interior tables and private verandas").
Late September/ early October was really busy for USRH- we were working on School of the Year and Advisor of the Year bids to present at a regional conference (which would then move on to national). Our bid for SOY will be heard at a conference this weekend, actually. Anyway, along with something like 15 other USRHers, I helped get the bid ready. When I woke up Sunday morning, I found an envelope with my name taped to the door.

I found this inside, a nice little thank you from one of the exec board members for helping out. Apparently she spent Saturday afternoon making these cards for everyone who helped on the bids. It was a nice way to start of the day- a little reminder that our hard work will finally pay off soon :)
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