Ok, I know I posted about Philip's new leaf thing on Wednesday, BUT! after I had done so, it was suggested that I take a picture of it with a penny for scale, so here's that:

Pretty tiny, huh?
I was in bed by 10:30 on Friday. Possibly this is strange for a college student, but I wanted to get a good night's rest before Saturday. Not only did I have plans with my friends to see the new Harry Potter movie, but Jonathan and I were planning on going to Handmade for the Holidays.

Sound like fun?
The best day of the weekend, by far. First Jonathan and I got up early for breakfast, then we hopped on the bus and rode downtown to get to Handmade for the Holidays.

It was quite lovely :) I managed to snag a cute headband, and I picked up a couple little things to stick in with my sister's Christmas presents.

This one did NOT want people to hold her. She was quite squirmy, but she did enjoy playing with us.
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