I spent the majority of this week watching my little cousin, W. Here's how it went:
SundayI got there Sunday evening, so we had dinner and then W went to bed. And I kind of forgot to take a picture until after that. But once he was in bed, I started watching the BBC/A&E adaption of Pride and Prejudice.

I must say, it was VASTLY superior to the newer film version with Keira Knightly and Adrian Brody. Colin Firth was an absolutely wonderful Darcy, and the entire thing was just so much more in tune with the novel. Naturally, I loved it :)
MondayAunt Anne had a hair cut, so W and I got some quality time to play "Sunny Day"

Sunny Day being W-speak for Sesame Street. I was Mr. Hooper. And Elmo. Dub was anyone he wanted to be at the time. lol
TuesdayTuesday was a bit of a free day, since Anne didn't have any plans and therefore didn't really need a sitter. We decided to spend the day at the Milwaukee Zoo, and ended up having a blast.

A wild W in his natural habitat- anywhere he can be having fun!

We also rode the zoo train, which was pretty awesome.

However, I think we had the most fun in the petting zoo. W attracted goats like nothing else. At first they kind of overwhelmed him, but then he (kind of) got the hang of feeding them and got more used to them.
WednesdayWednesday, W found my giraffe, and dragged him everywhere. He even got a diaper for a little while.

Here they are sharing a delicious afternoon snack of milk and cookies.
ThursdayW was a popular little guy on Thursday- he made and received several calls from Uncle Jim, Nicky, and Sophie.

I doubt any of them are aware of this, however, as he was using a disconnected phone.
FridayYesterday I babysat Evan and Tyler instead of William, then drove up to school to pick up Jon for the weekend, since campus is doing weird stuff this weekend.

Attempt number two of us trying to get a picture together. I think we're getting better at it!