These little caterpillar guys are EVERYWHERE right now. They're kinda cute, in a weird, fuzzy sort of way.

At least, they are right now. Give it a few more days and I'll probably be creeped out by how many of them there are...
Perry the Platypus!

One of my favorite gifts ever, my sister B made him for me for Christmas last year. Of course, I had to name him Perry after Phineas and Ferb's pet. He makes sure evil stays away from my stuff while I'm out, and keeps nightmares away when I'm asleep :)
Because nobody seems to know what real people look like anymore, I decided to be daring and try a completely makeup free, untouched picture today:

It feels weird, but kinda cool.
Sarah - join the movement - make-up free mondays
You're beautiful with or without make up!