You know the scene in Office Space where Ron Livingston's character is explaining that if he had a million dollars and could do whatever he wanted, that he'd do nothing? That was my basic inspiration for today. I didn't even get dressed. I sat around and read, and watched Harry Potter with my sisters. And you know what? It was everything I thought it could be. So today's pictures are brought to you from the dining room, where we're assembling our camping stuff. Some of the important things:

The non-frozen food. But you know what's even more important than the food? (hey, we can go shopping when we get there if we really need to)

The blankets. As we learned last year, it can get REALLY cold at night. Especially when it's been raining all day. BUT! This year will be better. It will be sunny and lovely and I will be able to sit on the beach and read or take my baby out to go kayaking. Or else.
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