Aside from seeing all of the animals (orky-pine! peepock!), W and some of the girls rode the merry go round. W enjoyed it- all he said until we left the building was, "again? again?" It was quite adorable.

Little Sarah and I got a couple pictures together, but this one is my favorite. Right now, the zoo has a number of new art animal statues on display- giraffes, bears, turtles, flamingoes, and penguins, to name a few- and later they'll be auctioned off to raise money for the zoo.

After the zoo, we got lunch at the Great Dane. I rode there with W, Aunt Anne, and Sophie. W took the opportunity to play with his hat for most of the ride.

Little Sarah ditched Mom to hang out with Sophie part of the way through the zoo. They sat together at lunch for awhile, too.
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