Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012: Goals

Now that I've (sort of) reviewed 2011, I have a few goals for 2012.

For the blog:
  • Take more pictures- I took a pathetically small number of pictures this past year.
  • Especially take more vertically aligned pictures- looking at my last few posts, it seems like I have something against them.
  • Post on a regularish basis- I want to get back to having an almost routine.
For school/USRH:
  • Stay on top of all of my reading- there will be a lot.
  • Write frequently- it's a good habit and I should practice more.
  • Speak louder during meetings- it consistently shows up on my feedback.
  • Balance the two- it's kinda tricky.
For me:
  • Drink more water, milk, and tea, and less soda- I hear soda is bad for you.
  • Find a job- Graduation is in May, so now I have to be an adult.
  • Practice guitar more often- more for the balancing act!
  • Be nicer- because who doesn't need to work on that?

Until my next post, enjoy this lovely bit of advice (found via pinterest):

2011: Review

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2011 was a great year for you, and that 2012 will be even better :) Here's a quick review of my 2011, with some of my favorite pictures of the year.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas :)

I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas, and enjoyed watching the Packers dominate tonight! Here are a few pictures from my break so far:

Rockefeller Center, surprise trip to NYC

Metropolitan Museum of Art (Main Entrance)

Duke, preventing me from folding my laundry

Sophie and Duke

Present from Mom and Dad- Pandora bracelet and crab charm from Maine

Duke's new bone (we had to take it away from him to get him to eat breakfast!)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I'm wearing a zoo!

This summer, my family spent a week at a lovely beach in Maine for our summer vacation (that's right- no camping this year). It was a week or so before my birthday, so while we were there I bought myself a birthday gift: a (knockoff) Pandora bracelet, and a lobster charm (I was in Maine). I named him Rex.

For our anniversary in October, Jonathan gave me an owl charm. He loves owls, especially the metal one in the original Clash of the Titans, Bubo. Apparently he liked having an easy gift choice, because for Christmas, he gave me a rotund giraffe (Pudge).

And now I'm wearing a zoo.

He also surprised me by asking if I'd go spend a few days with him and his family in New York once the semester ends. On Friday. Pictures will follow :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ok, here's the deal...

Posting pictures every day is hard sometimes. But when I don't do that, I don't do anything. And I have a smartphone now! I can (sort of) post right from my phone. So we're going to give this another run, because I kind of miss it. Look for regular updates starting soon. Until then, enjoy this more recent picture of Duke hanging out with his bff Jonathan.

Look at how big he's gotten!