This Under Armour shirt was a Christmas gift 3 years ago, and has been my favorite base layer since then. Oddly, I've never thought to put it back on my list. Having more than one might be kind of nice, actually.

As far as I'm concerned, these boots have only one downfall: they have absolutely no traction, so they don't handle the slippery, only partially-shoveled sidewalks on campus very well.
Not photographed: my Nike running pants, which I've been wearing under my jeans pretty much since the end of October.
I suspect the pictures are being proportionately sized to fit the width of your blog column so if your square pictures are 1600 X 1600 and reduced to fit 400 pixels wide your new dimensions are 400 X 400. If you have a rectangular picture 1600 wide X 800 high and you reduce it to fit 400 wide then your new dimensions would be 400 wide X 200 high. In other words divide both dimensions by 4.