Thankfully, we have a wedding to go to at the end of the month. Jon is part of the wedding party, and the bride is a perfectionist. She politely requested he get a haircut before the wedding. He's glad he did. I guess it makes him feel pretty. At least, that's what I'm judging from his interesting pose here.
Today, I decided I was tired of looking at boring dorm walls, so I started printing some of my favorite geek comics off to tape up. I'd like to get a bulletin board, but I'm not really sure how to attach it to the wall without messing the wall up when I take it down.

This group came from xkcd, the first webcomic I ever read. It's drawn by Randall Munroe, and is described on the homepage as "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language." It's updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and is mostly stand-alone comics, but every once in awhile there will be a short story (sometimes all at a time, and sometimes built off of previous comics).

These are from Hark, a vagrant, one of my absolute favorite webcomics. It's drawn by Kate Beaton, who doesn't keep a regular update schedule. Most of the comics are based on historical events (French Revolution jokes ftw!) and literature (nobody reads Ann Bronte's books. The men aren't brooding enough).
Over the next week, I'm going to go through the pictures I've taken in the last year or so and see which ones I'd like to print off to stick on the wall too, so expect more updates once I figure out where I'm going with this.
Also, I finished The Hunger Games AND Catching Fire, the second book in the series. I'm waiting for one of my friends to bring the last installment, Mocking Jay, up to school this weekend so I can find out what happens. The books are really good, even if they're really fast reads (ANYTHING is easy compared to the Tome). I would definitely recommend them :)
he looks like he's really happy with his haircut.